5 Reasons Why You Should Exfoliate Your Skin

The exfoliating body mitt is the secret weapon for any skin care-lover's skin. Whether you're looking to improve your spray tan or just want smoother, more radiant skin, an exfoliating body mitt is a must-have in your beauty arsenal.
Here are 5 reasons why you need to be exfoliating your skin with one our Deep Exfoliating Mitts!
Reason #1: Lifts dead skin and removes impurities
A regular exfoliating regimen not only sloughs away dead cells that clog pores (and make your skin look dull); it also gets rid of residue from makeup, sunscreen or other products you use regularly. Exfoliation cleans pores deeply and rejuvenates the skin so you can finally experience that healthy, clean glow!
Reason #2: Improves the texture of your skin instantly
Uneven skin texture is commonly a result of excess dead skin cells that build up on the surface of the skin. Skin care products can take time to work, but exfoliating with a body or face mitt improves skin’s texture, smoothing it instantly. Keratosis pilaris (small red bumps on your skin) is a common skin problem that can benefit greatly from regular deep exfoliation.
Check out our exfoliating mitts for your body and face.
Reason #3: Skincare products penetrate deeper
You read that right, if you’re not exfoliating regularly, you may as well be pouring your expensive skin care products down the drain. Skin care products last longer and penetrate deeper when applied to skin that has been regularly exfoliated. Don’t waste money! Establish a good routine that includes exfoliating your face and body at least 1-2 times per week before you spend big money on your favorite products.
Reason #4: Helping to prevent razor bumps
Not only can exfoliating prior to shaving help you get a closer shave and, in turn, smoother skin; it also prevents ingrown hairs. Dead skin cells can build up, clogging your hair follicles, trapping hair under the skin. Regular exfoliation sweeps away the dead cells, helping hair grow normally.
Shop now for the smoothest, healthiest skin you ever experienced!
Reason #5: Even sensitive skin can benefit from regular exfoliation!
MicrodermaMitt Deep Exfoliating Mitts are made with 100% all natural floss fibers, which is known for its gripping capabilities. Unlike cheaper versions made with synthetic materials, MicrodermaMitts wont micro-tear your skin. This makes it safe to use on sensitive skin. Our Mitts are hypoallergenic and dermatologist approved.
The biggest advantage to exfoliation is healthy, glowing skin. MicrodermaMitt Deep Exfoliating Mitts are easy to use and offer immediate results. Ready to experience the benefits of deep exfoliation? We have mitts for every part of your body. Click here to see our full range of exfoliating mitts.