Eliminate Dead Skin Buildup With MicrodermaMitt
Life Takes A Toll On Your Skin
Each day, your skin sheds nearly a million dead cells because of everyday stresses, exposure to the sun and cell turnover, among other factors. When dead skin cells build up, it can cause your skin to look dull, rough and dry. Through regular exfoliation, you can get rid of these dead cells, and keep your skin looking fresh.
Exfoliate For A Fresh Face
As dirt and dead skin cells build up, it may clog your pores and hair follicles, often leading to acne breakouts and other skin blemishes. Many skin conditions such as these can be prevented or cleared up by exfoliating properly.
Through the process of exfoliation, you not only strip away these dead cells, along with the dirt and grime that daily life may leave on your skin. Exfoliating with the MicrodermaMitt also helps stimulate skin regeneration and reveal new, healthier skin.
Get Smooth, Radiant Skin With MicrodermaMitt
A revolutionary exfoliation and skin-revitalizing treatment, the MicrodermaMitt helps you maintain and repair your skin. Hypoallergenic and dermatologist recommended, the MicrodermaMitt provides gentle abrasion, which removes the outer layer of dead skin cell build up and brings new healthier skin to the surface. As they get wet, the MicrodermaMitt’s fibers swell, forming a gripping action. Lifting dead skin cells and grime, the mitt unclogs and cleans your pores as you scrub. The increased blood flow resulting from the scrubbing encourages the formation of collagen, resulting in a look that is healthier, smoother and more radiant.
ALL Natural
Other exfoliation treatments and at-home microdermabrasion kits often contain chemicals and can be harsh on your skin, especially the thin, sensitive skin on your face and neck.
The MicrodermaMitt offers a 100% natural exfoliation option that cleans, firms and tones your skin without causing microtears and inflammation.
Used along with our DENIZIA Olive Oil Cleansing Bar and Olive Face & Body Oil daily, the MicrodermaMitt can help you achieve and maintain a fresh, healthy glow.