There are so many options in today's world when it comes to beauty products. But what about skincare? And specifically facial skincare?
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Summer is just around the corner. And, with the summer heat comes summer rays. Sunlight is the source of all life on Earth, but it also can be our skin's worst enemy. The sun emits ultraviolet (UV) light, and exposure...
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There's no question that taking care of your skin is important. However, did you know that your morning routine is key to keeping your complexion looking its best?
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Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells. Any product or procedure that reduces the build-up of dead cells on the skin is said to be exfoliating.
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It's time to embrace the vibrancy and warmth of springtime. We not only observe these fresh changes in our environment as new buds start to bloom, but many of us make these refinements to our wardrobes, diet and outer appearance as well.
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